Welcome to Nourish by TSF.

I am proud to offer you a line of prepared meals that follow in the tradition and quality of my catering. 

Food does more than just nourish the physical body,
it has the power to nourish in so many ways.

It brings people and communities together. It can foster conversations and the exchange of ideas amongst strangers. Familiar dishes can elicit feelings and memories fo joy, comfort, and safety. 

Sun 09 February 2025 9:26 am

Weekly Menus

Heating Instructions, New Orders and Upcoming Menus

Add On Items

Fresh made healthy snacks and ingredients to enhance your pantry.
Each week there is an offering of four meals and a selection of soup to choose from, all meals feed a min of four people. Minimum orders are $100.00 per week.
Most meals are Gluten Free or will be available with a Gluten-Free option.
* Each menu item will list if it is Gluten-Free (GF), Dairy-Free (DF), Vegetarian (V), or Vegan (VG), Lactose-Free (LF).

Please place orders by 8 PM – Thursday evening for pick-up or delivery the following Wednesday.

(The date indicated on the menu tab.)

You will receive an email confirmation that your order is being processed once confirmation of payment is received.